Update (9/24): The schedule for the league is here! Parents and coaches please help us make sure the balls stay in the ball racks and there is no dribbling while the games are live. Coaches gear should be in by next week. The Pro Training staff is operating a snack bar during the games. Please feel free to buy a snack or drink during the games.
Update (9/15): Thank you to everyone who came out for opening day and orientation. We had just about the entire league there. It was great to see all the kids back in action. We had a lot of new faces, a lot of players from our camps, and a lot of players we haven’t seen since our last league was postponed. Now we are just waiting to see if we can get the portable baskets in by either the practices on Thursday and Friday or the games on Saturday. If not we will need use the existing ones at the gym and go the long way on the court. We are also waiting on the coaches gear to come in as well. If the coaches shirts aren’t in by Saturday they should definitely be in by next week. A couple parents also asked if the kids should wear their jerseys to practice. They are more than welcome to, but they don’t need to and it might make it hard to be washed and ready to go for game day.
There are unlikely to be any new updates regarding the league to be posted here as the rosters, schedules, and jerseys are all ready to go. However, we will continue to keep this league thread active in case there are any additional questions that get asked.
Update (9/10): Coaches gear is ordered and en route! Thanks to everyone that is helping out. Our Shopping Event at Dick’s Sporting Goods starts today and runs through the 13th. Click here to download the coupon to save 20% off your entire purchase. It is the perfect opportunity to get geared up for the league! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! The address of the gym for tomorrow and the entire season going forward is:
Pro Training Facility, 875 Eggert Drive, North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Update (9/3): We sent out our first group email tonight. If you are not on our list for the league and would like to be added please email us at contact@y2t.e80.myftpupload.com and we will add you to our list. Opening day is next Saturday, September 11th at 1 pm, where we will have the opening day orientation, distribute jerseys (we are hoping they are ready to go by then), review league rules and expectations and introduce all the coaches. The complete league schedule is live here.
Update (8/29): Jerseys are ordered. Our supplier didn’t have the shorts we wanted in gold, so we swapped out the Cavaliers for the Nuggets. If you were on the Cavaliers, your team is now the Nuggets. We also recruited some additional coaches. We hope to have the jerseys in for opening day orientation. The rosters below have been updated as of 8/29.
Update (8/23): Wow! That’s a wrap on registration. The league is now 100% full. The updated rosters have been posted below. Thanks so much for helping us get the word out and we can’t tell you how excited we are for opening day!
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